K - 5th Grade


The Elementary Science program develops scientifically literate students who actively participate in exploring the scientific learning process through conceptual thinking skills, logical reasoning, problem solving and inquiry. Students will utilize instructional materials, hands-on experiments and technology to build upon their knowledge of Earth, Life and Physical science topics

6th - 8th Grade


The Middle School Science program helps students to develop scientific thinking by providing them with opportunities to enhance logical reasoning, critical thinking skills and scientific reasoning skills that support scientific inquiry. Students will develop processing skills as they actively investigate concepts, evaluate the results of the investigations and respond to thought-provoking questions that conclude each lesson, activity or investigation.

9th - 12th Grade


Science is a way of experiencing and relating to our world and building a methodology for processing life situations and searching for possible solutions. Science is sometimes viewed as a repository of vast, complex knowledge with little relevance to life outside the classroom. To dispel this misconception, the curriculum reflects a realistic endeavor to cover content in terms of an organized approach which emphasizes critical thinking and problem solving skills in relation to the "real world."